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I'm gonna be real with you...
Most entrepreneurs in the spiritual/healing community are not really showing up.
They are not fully expressing themselves or their abilities, and therefore are depriving the world of their medicine.
And because of that... the world is suffering.
We see it every day: chaos, pain, hate, people hurting... we are in desperate need of change.
And I am going to be bold and say that the change doesn't start with the people in "power". It starts with YOU.
And until you truly embody your leadership as a spiritual entrepreneur and express your authentic message and abilities, you'll never fully show up and make the change your soul is on a mission to make.
And then what happens? The world stays the same. It never gets better.
And YOU continue to live with the feeling that something is missing, that you're made for so much MORE and you're nowhere near reaching your fullest potential.
Isn't it time we changed all of that? You are powerful beyond measure.
Let me show you just powerful you are.

From my heart to yours... a short video all about the program :)
Need more info? Here's a longer video and deeper dive into what's in the program.
This is Sacred Leadership Academy.

This transformative program has four pillars:
Healing: Heal yourself to heal the world. Whatever it is you have going on within you that's holding you back from success in your business, we're going to get to the root of it.
Embodiment: Once you've started (or continued) the healing process, we work on embodiment. Embodying all of the aspects of your soul's mission so you can show up as the authentic leader you came to Earth to be.
Leadership: We're going to strengthen your leadership muscles and help you build the courage and fortitude it takes to be a REAL leader, which brings us to...
Impact: What impact do you want to create in the world? What legacy are you leaving behind? This is not just about money... this is about the real CHANGE you're going to create with your sacred leadership and mission-minded business.

Sacred Leadership Academy is a 12 month, completely life changing process.
You cannot (and will not) be the same after this program. Inside the Sacred Leadership Academy, you will dive into every part of you that is keeping your dream business and life from being a reality. You will discover where you're holding back, and learn how to embody your mission and truly lead. You'll start to make the change you deeply want to see in the world, and in yourself.
This is the program that will shift your reality and change your life.
Together, we will go through the 4 pillars (Heal, Embody, Lead and Impact) to completely transform you.


This process changed everything.
I've been an entrepreneur for a long time. (Maybe you have too). But it wasn't until I lived and worked these 4 steps and pillars that I actually began to find fulfillment, abundance and soul purpose in my life and business.
I have had several different businesses over the years. And while they have been successful (on paper), there was always something missing. It wasn't until I started to figure out the process inside of Sacred Leadership Academy that it all clicked.
The process I facilitate inside of Sacred Leadership Academy is what shifted my paradigm completely. I started to heal my shit, embody my highest timeline and soul mission, show up authentically and LEAD from a place of love and light, and truly begin to make a difference in the lives of others.
The truth? You'll never feel deep fulfillment, success and abundance in your business until you heal yourself and show up authentically...
until you take up space and show up FOR REAL.
A deeper look into the powerful and effective process of Sacred Leadership Academy...

The first 3 months: HEAL
Connect to your inner child: Heal deep wounds from childhood that are blocking your path now.
Shadow work: Integration, deeper awareness and healing to bring ALL of you front and center.
Heart opening: Deep mission based work to open your heart to yourself and to the collective.
Forgiveness: Forgiveness frees us from the binds of the past. We'll do a lot of work on this.
Releasing: Release energetic blockages, traumas and stories that hold you back.
Energy clearing: Learn practices to keep your energy clear and high vibe
Chakra work: Work with your powerful chakras
Soul mission exploration: Tap into what's really in your heart and why you came to Earth at this time.

The second 3 months: EMBODY
Divine voice activation: Find and activate your authentic voice, and learn how to use it.
Embodied presence: Learn practices to embody your mission focused self, and start BEING that person out in the world.
Body mapping: Connect to and truly understand your body as a vessel for your mission based work.
Embodied visualization: See yourself on your highest timeline, successful and impactful, and start to rewire your brain to bring that visualization into your current reality.
Core value exploration: Get in touch with your WHY and your core values as a human, so you can truly live by them and attract your people.
Practical application: Together, we'll bring all of this into your life so you can really begin to embody all of this.

The third 3 months: LEAD
Your spiritual business: We will either figure out what your business is going to be (if you don't already have one), or create incredible clarity and vision for the business you currently have.
Online presence: Audit your current online presence and find where (and how) you need to show up with your authentic leadership and healing medicine.
Brand workshop: Together, we will create your brand (from the vision of your highest timeline) and bring it into your reality right now!
Inner alignment rituals: Leadership rituals to keep you powerful, focused, and in alignment with your truest self and your mission.
Authentic content creation: Create content that feels amazing and speaks to your people.
The Authentic Leadership Blueprint: A map to continue this work on yourself and business, long after the progam is over.

The final 3 months: IMPACT
Your mission and movement: Your work is going to cause a ripple effect, and together we're going to figure out exactly how that looks for you.
Collaboration: Come up with an aligned plan to find collaboration opportunities to elevate yourself and others.
Collective impact: You are the change, and you're going to get in touch with exactly how that helps the collective.
Storytelling: You have an authentic and real story that is going to deeply speak to your people. We're going to tap into how you're going to tell it.
Humanitarian efforts: This program is for you, but it's also bigger than you. We're going to work together to discover how.
Global change: You're going to leave a mark on the world. What will it be?

The value of Sacred Leadership Academy
12 months of weekly 2 hour group coaching calls ($22,222 value)
Monthly one on one coaching calls ($3333 value)
Access to private community and peer support (priceless!)
Healing/alignment recordings and meditations ($1111 value)
Workbook and worksheets - there's a TON! ($555 value)
Guest workshops and calls ($2222 value)
Live trainings and modules ($1111 value)
Monthly energetic workshops ($1111 value)
Human design resources and trainings ($555 value)
Voxer and email support, Mon-Fri ($1111 value)
Total Program Value: $33,333
Founders Price: $4,000 or 12 payments of $444
Only 20 people get the founders price, then it goes up to $8000/$888
Financing provided by:

One more thing...
I have a mission and movement, too.
Part of which includes that a percentage of every payment goes to feeding sick and hungry street dogs. You can learn more about the cause here.
Frequently Asked Questions